As I sit here on my computer, I'm trying to relax (even tho my head's still pounding) and listening to Kitaro music flowing thru the house while I watch the birds at the feeder outside this office window. There seem to be a lot more chickadees than usual this morning. I just love chickadees!! They like to perch on the screen here chattering at each other while they take turns eating the sunflower seeds. My hubby HATES having the feeder so close to the house, but I love it!! I like to keep the window open a little so I can hear them well.
This is the view from where I sit....

I let the chickens out to roam the yard bright & early this morning. I'm not use to just letting them roam, we've always kept our critters penned up. Hubby needs to build a better outside pen to keep them in. They kept getting out somehow, so last nite after work I just tore down the fence so they could go back inside the building on their own when it got dark. They did! We have skunks and all sortsa critters in these woods who'd just love a taste of my chickens, so I make sure they're safely locked inside at nite. It's not fun trying to catch a bunch of loose chickens and throw them back into the pen just before dark! *lol* I was just following them around and around the barn....and they were a lot faster than I was!
Sunday afternoon I invited all my nieces & nephews over to help me catch all the ducks in their pen and take them to the swamp thru our woods to turn them loose. Oh how fun that was! I think we created a memory for those kids that will last them a lifetime. Ü They'd chase the ducks around the outside pen, the ducks would jump in their pool and splash water the time we were done I think everyone smelled like dirty duck! *lol* But, the kids had fun, and that's the important part, right?? We carried them in a cage to the swamp, and the kids took turns throwing each duck up into the air towards the water so they could be free. Then we just stood there awhile and watched them swim away. more duck mess in MY barn! hehehehe
Today's laundry day. Now THAT'S a never-ending job! Don'tcha just hate laundry?? Laundry and dishes are the worst for me. Speaking of which....I better get busy so I can catch up on this mess!
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