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AuntyB's Place also has a website with lots of information you might find useful. To chek it out, click here:
Then there's the yahoo group of the same name...it's an email based group where we share lots of information (via email) on anything to do with our homes and gardens....like recipes, crafts, diy projects, garden info, you name it! Everyone is encouraged to participate in the yahoo group, even if it's just to chit-chat! Ü
If you'd like to join us, just enter your email address & click here:
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Floods in Minnesota...
To see Tracy Thelen's photos of flooding at Sidie Hollow in Vernon County, click here.
To see Phyllis Skarda's photos of the Bad Axe River overflowing at South Creek Road and Lockington Road at Romance, Wis., in Vernon County, click here.
To see photos of the devastation along Hwy. 35 and elsewhere in southern La Crosse and Vernon County, click here.
To see photos of severe flooding in Winona, Minn., and Minnesota City click here.
To see Rodney Aspenson's photos of severe flooding in Petersburg and the side of Gays Mills, Wis., click here.
To see a gallery of photos of flash flooding in Winona County, click here.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Chek out my new ride...
On a lighter note...I just got home from a fun (but tiring!) evening at work. My co-worker and I took the girls out to a dance at a local lodge. They had a great time, however I wasn't too impressed with how loud the music was. It was hot in there too. I think I'm just getting too old for that stuff. *lol* But....the girls had a blast!! Their favorite was the Chicken Dance. What a hoot! I have to say I think that was my favorite too, and I was just sitting on the sidelines watching everyone. That was enuf fun for me! ha! The girls were real tired when we got back home, and wanted to go straight to bed! I think they'll sleep good tonite. (I know I will!!) Ü
Well, I gave up on fixing my old car. I've been putting too much money into it for awhile now, and was going to have to put in a new thing-a-ma-jiggy for the coolant stuff before the weather turns to freezing, which was going to cost me ANOTHER five hundred bucks, so I just decided I'd get rid of it and get something more reliable. One thing after another keeps going wrong with it, and it just hit 100,000 miles. I've been putting water in the coolant thingy, but once it starts freezing I can't do that anymore. Didn't have it quite paid off, but I needed to trade it in before it completely quit on me! I wonder what these dealerships do with the more junkier cars they get for trade-ins? I never see them in their lots.
Anyhoo....here's a couple pictures of my new ride.....
I absolutely love it!! It's a 2004, 4-wheel drive Jeep Liberty, and hopefully having the 4 wheel drive will help me with my fear of driving in the winter-time. I'm use to having a front wheel drive car tho, so it's taking me a little getting use to driving this thing. I'm practicing a lot tho! hehe
I made sure my payments and the insurance weren't any worse than what I was already paying for my car, so I think I got a pretty good deal! Not spending any more money than I'm use to every month, but having a MUCH nicer ride! Ü It gets 21-25 mpg, which is a little worse than my car, but well worth it to have everything working and in like-new shape. The heater and air conditioner work, I actually get more than two radio stations, (a lot more!!), and I don't feel every little bump in the road like I use to with my car!
Yep, I think AuntyB is finally movin' on up! Ü
Until next time.....
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Gardening for Wildlife

- A personalized certificate that recognizes your NWF Certified Wildlife
Habitat™. - A free NWF membership which includes a full year’s subscription to the
award-winning National Wildlife® magazine. - A free subscription to the quarterly e-newsletter, Habitats, full
of insightful tips and information on gardening and attracting wildlife year
after year. - Your name listed in NWF’s National registry of certified habitats…to
recognize all you’ve done for wildlife.
And, once you complete your application, you’ll be eligible to purchase the “wildly” popular Certified Wildlife Habitat™ yard sign that shows your commitment to conserving wildlife.
All you need to do is provide elements from each of the following areas:
- Food Sources. For example: Native plants, seeds,
fruits, nuts, berries, nectar - Water Sources. For example: Birdbath, pond, water
garden, stream - Places for Cover. For example: Thicket, rockpile,
birdhouse - Places to Raise Young. For example: Dense shrubs,
vegetation, nesting box, pond - Sustainable Gardening. For example: Mulch,
compost, rain garden, chemical-free fertilizer
Too Many Cats!!
Friday, August 10, 2007
Chickens growing like weeds!
I Love My Job!!
When I'm not at work, I'm usually at home doing something homey. I'm just a home-body, I guess. Since my 'work' is home away from home for me, often you can find me there in my spare time (when I need a break from my gardening or other things I'm doing at home), just visiting with the folks and the staff and having coffee with them. It's really a wonderful, relaxing place to be. Everyone is family there! If you can't find me at MY home, you can probably find me at theirs! Ü
The other day we had a picnic and invited lots of other folks over. Boy, what a turnout! Everything was sooo perfect!! The weather was absolutely beautiful, (I worried it would rain), the gardens and the trail were breath-taking as usual (we work hard to make sure it stays that way!), there were soooo many people who showed up, and everyone had such a great time!!
I took a LOT of pictures for our memory book, and I'll share a few of them here, with you...
Years ago we had a paved trail added for the folks. It comes full circle around the home, with a figure '8' shape at the bottom of the hill. We also have a bench down there, if we feel like sitting a spell. Ü These pictures are part of that area. Everyone loves walking this trail! And as you can see here, some prefer to ride!... (I happen to be more of a rider than a walker!) *lol*
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Morning Laziness...
As I sit here on my computer, I'm trying to relax (even tho my head's still pounding) and listening to Kitaro music flowing thru the house while I watch the birds at the feeder outside this office window. There seem to be a lot more chickadees than usual this morning. I just love chickadees!! They like to perch on the screen here chattering at each other while they take turns eating the sunflower seeds. My hubby HATES having the feeder so close to the house, but I love it!! I like to keep the window open a little so I can hear them well.
This is the view from where I sit....

I let the chickens out to roam the yard bright & early this morning. I'm not use to just letting them roam, we've always kept our critters penned up. Hubby needs to build a better outside pen to keep them in. They kept getting out somehow, so last nite after work I just tore down the fence so they could go back inside the building on their own when it got dark. They did! We have skunks and all sortsa critters in these woods who'd just love a taste of my chickens, so I make sure they're safely locked inside at nite. It's not fun trying to catch a bunch of loose chickens and throw them back into the pen just before dark! *lol* I was just following them around and around the barn....and they were a lot faster than I was!
Sunday afternoon I invited all my nieces & nephews over to help me catch all the ducks in their pen and take them to the swamp thru our woods to turn them loose. Oh how fun that was! I think we created a memory for those kids that will last them a lifetime. Ü They'd chase the ducks around the outside pen, the ducks would jump in their pool and splash water everywhere....by the time we were done I think everyone smelled like dirty duck! *lol* But, the kids had fun, and that's the important part, right?? We carried them in a cage to the swamp, and the kids took turns throwing each duck up into the air towards the water so they could be free. Then we just stood there awhile and watched them swim away. Ahhhh.....no more duck mess in MY barn! hehehehe
Today's laundry day. Now THAT'S a never-ending job! Don'tcha just hate laundry?? Laundry and dishes are the worst for me. Speaking of which....I better get busy so I can catch up on this mess!
The Berry Patch...
The Kitchen Garden...

Cherry tomatoes, Early girl tomatoes, parsley, mixed lettuces, and somewhere on this deck is a pot of onion chives, garlic chives, and lemon thyme as well as another pot of lemon balm for my tea.
I planted some hens and chicks in this fountain bucket just to 'cute up' the area a little. Ü
Monday, August 6, 2007
The Herb & Frog Pond Garden...

Cross the bridge (or walk 'round the pond) to smell the herbs...

My Dad built the bench. He died several years ago (diabetes complications), and I think of him every time I sit there! Ü

This gazing ball is actually a bowling ball. I spray-painted, then glued plastic frogs all over it and put it on an old lamp base. It sits in the herb garden in front of the Echinachea...
AuntyB's Pottin' Shed
The brown box up at the top of the shed is a bat house my brother made for me. I finally found the perfect spot for it! (after saving that bat house for about the last 7 years!) *lol*
Here's a pic of the East side of the shed:
And this is the West side of the shed:
You can't see them yet, but I planted some Hydrangeas on this side. And of course, I had to add some chickens! Ü This side isn't decorated quite as much as the other sides because the hydrangeas will grow at least as tall as the decorative window, so this side will look full enuf.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Chickens & Ducks
I bought some day old Mallard ducks and Buff Orpington chickens from a local hatchery about 6 weeks ago, and I'm loving it!! (Except for the muddy mess the ducks are creating inside the shed with the water dish...Ick!)
I don't plan on keeping the ducks, and because of how messy they are, I probably won't raise them again next summer.
Here's a picture after I brought them to their new home:
I do plan on keeping some of the chickens, tho! I can't wait to collect eggs from them, and watch some of the hens hatch their own babies next spring! I'm going to butcher most of the chickens, or give them to someone who wants them, keeping only about 6 laying hens and one rooster for myself.