Adopting a Soldier
No matter what your political views are on the current war, our men and women are risking their lives and living in not-so-comfy conditions (to say the least), so our world might gain a little peace. A lot of these soldiers have nobody 'back home' to write to them and let them know our hearts and our prayers are with them, or that 'somebody back home' might actually care if they die. It can be very lonely for them. Imagine yourself being in a dangerous, unfamiliar place and not having contact (or very little contact) with anyone from home.....knowing you could die there, never making it back home to experience the beauty and safety or the warm, cozy bed you once knew. It's hard to imagine being in their situation!
That's why I'm a member of Adopt a US Soldier. All I have to do is write a letter to my soldier once a week. If he or she is able, they'll email me or write me back. I send them pictures sometimes (but you don't have to!), and sometimes (if they can) they'll send pictures to me, too! If I can afford it, I'm allowed to send them a care package of some kind. Sometimes all they need are a couple magazines, maybe some Ritz crackers, simple things like that can make them feel special! It's free to sign up and get your own soldier. All it costs you is one stamp a week and the price of your paper & envelope!
Why not check out their website for yourself and give this some serious thought?! There is a long L-O-N-G list of soldiers who signed up for this who still need someone to write to them!
I help care for some challenged folks, and as a way of helping them show some support to our troops, I signed up for a soldier for each of them. They can't write on their own, so my co-workers and I hold their hands and help them write the letters. It gives a great satisfaction when you can help somebody do something good for someone else! So if you know someone who's not able to write, maybe you could offer to do the same thing for them? Think about it!!
Here's a picture of a friend of mine helping one of our friends write a letter to the soldier he adopted:

Please go check out their website at:
You'll be glad you did! (and so will they!)
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