
I'm so glad you could stop by! This is where I journal the latest happenings in my home and gardens. My life really isn't that exciting...I just thot it would be fun to journal it!
I'll be posting pics as I journal, so you'll have a visual of the things I write about.

If you'd like, you can subscribe to this journal so you'll recieve an email letting you know whenever I write something new in it. That way you won't have to worry about checking this site every now and then to see if there's something new in it! Ü Just click here:

Subscribe to Aunty B's Place Journal by Email

AuntyB's Place also has a website with lots of information you might find useful. To chek it out, click here:

Then there's the yahoo group of the same name...it's an email based group where we share lots of information (via email) on anything to do with our homes and gardens....like recipes, crafts, diy projects, garden info, you name it! Everyone is encouraged to participate in the yahoo group, even if it's just to chit-chat! Ü
If you'd like to join us, just enter your email address & click here:

Farm Bill

Friday, November 23, 2007

The Angel Card Project...

Angel Card Project....If you haven't heard of this yet, you need to go chek it out!
Every year lots of folks come together to spread a little holiday cheer by sending Christmas cards to those less fortunate, sick, elderly, lonely, Military, and anyone else who might need a little spiritual lift! It's all strictly volunteer, and nobody makes any kind of money from doing this. It's a great way for some of us to 'give a little back' by bringing a smile to someone who may not otherwise have much reason for that this year.
If you're interested (and I hope you are!) in sending out some holiday cheer, and you agree to the following guidelines, just click on the link above for more information and to sign up!

2007 Guidelines

1. This is strictly a volunteer project. If you sign up, you are doing it because you have a good heart. :o)

2. You may send out a card to one person or all persons. It's entirely up to you! There is no set number of cards for you to send out. Just do so as you are able and as your heart leads you.

3. This project is designed for CARDS to be sent to those on the list. Nothing else is required. ONLY CARDS. If you choose to send other items such as gifts, etc, please remember that you do so on your own accord and it is not part of this Angel Project. I know that at this time of year there are so many with tender hearts and they want to do more. But remember that these are coming from you, a stranger, to the Special people we are trying to help. So we don't want to overwhelm them too much nor cause them any alarm. So I would strongly urge that you stick to just cards!!

4. You may address your cards from and sign them from yourself or you can say they are from Santa, a secret angel, etc. That one is up to you. In the past, a lot of folks have sent them saying they are from the North Pole. :o)

5. Please remember to be RESPECTFUL. This is a project to bring cheer. So remember that when you are sending out cards.

How it Works for Volunteers:

1. Email Mark to sign up to be a Card Angel (there's an email link at the website)

2. On or around the Weekend of December 8th, 2007, he'll send an email to all of the volunteers who sign up to be Card Angels.

3. In that email, there will be a link for you to access that will have the names, addresses and stories of all of the people that we will be sending cards to this year. You can send a card to one person, a few, or all if you like!

4. You can print that list if you would like. Once you have the list, then you get your Christmas Cards from a store or make them yourselves (which can be fun!).

5. You fill them out however you would like, address & stamp them, put them in the mail, and YAY!!! You've just touched someone's life in a very positive way! :o)

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Pine River Garden Club Craft Day, 2007

As some of you know, I'm a member of the Pine River Garden Club. We're not a really large group, but we're growing! Every year we do some kind of craft project for our homes as a winter display. Usually it's been wreaths, but this year we decided to try our hands at making birch log candle centerpieces. We had a lot of fun, even tho some of us had no idea what we were doing! *lol* Click on the arrow in the box below to chek out a slideshow of some pictures I took of us & our projects! And by the way...if you live in this area and you're interested in joining or just coming to a meeting to chek us out, send me an email and I'll give you the details!

Click to play Garden Club Project Day!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Stone Woman Herbals

I stopped by one of my favorite stores this morning and thot I'd share it with you. If you're looking for all natural products....Vitamins, Herbs, Stones, Teas, Healing & other Health & Beauty Essentials, chek out the Stone Woman Herbals store in Pine River. I just love that place!!

It's right on Main Street, between Hardware Hanks and Al's Bakery. They use to be located in Hackensack, but moved to Pine River this summer. Now it's so much easier for me to shop there!!

When you first walk in, you feel at home with the country porch setting of a couple of rocking chairs and some books you can look thru. Their Essential Oils book is the best book of its kind, in my opinion! It tells about which oils to use for what ailment, etc. Very informative!!

Further into the store you'll find very neatly organized shelves of natural products, vitamins, pampering products and brochures of information on different subjects. This picture is the back end of the store. The jars on the back wall are herbs.

Since this is their new location and they have plenty of room, they're expanding a bit on the products they carry....so if you don't see something you want, make sure you ask about it because they're probably getting it! Ü

The folks who run/own this store are very nice people. (Kris & Dan Kayser)
If you want to know anything, just ask them! If they don't know the answer they'll try to help you find it!

You can also email them at: stonem@uslink.net , or call them at: 218-587-5900.

By the way....I'm not affiliated with them in any way. I'm just a regular customer who wanted to let folks know about one of the great local places I like to shop! Ü

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

My Loves.....